Michael Derkson.com

Montreal, Quebec
Business Phone: (514) 400-4831

March 25, 2011 6:04 PM

Pictures on this page are copyright "Michael Derkson",
and may not be used for any purpose other then to view them on this website.

If you want a copy of the picture or to purchase a print, please email me with the file# and I will respond promptly.

If you see a picture of youself here that you want removed, also, please email me with the file# and I will remove it promptly.

Important! If you see a message regarding an ActiveX security on Internet Explorer,
Click the gold bar at the top of the screen, and Click "Allow Blocked Content" to allow the photo gallery to work.

Photo Gallery Listing

November 2009 trip to Victoria, BC
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January 2009 Cruise to South Caribbean

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Fireworks 2009
These pictures have been viewed times

Fall and Winter 2008/09
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Ogilvys' Benefit Dec 17, 2008
These pictures have been viewed times

Cote des Neiges festival 2007 and 2008
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Favorite Nature and Animal Pics
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Trip to Georgia and Miami May 2008
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Toronto and Niagara Falls Oct 2007
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Center de la Nature in Laval
These pictures have been viewed times

Victoria and Vancouver October 2006
These pictures have been viewed times

Singers and Musicians of the House of Jazz
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Cruise to East Caribbean Jan 2008
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Westend Golf Tournement Sept 3, 2009
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